Koudelka disc 3 black screen issues

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Koudelka disc 3 black screen issues

Postby mercilesswaffle » Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:27 am

I've been playing Koudelka (NSTC version) on FPse on my Samsung Galaxy A3 for a while now. Had no issues while playing disc 1 or 2, aside from audio cutting out briefly during cutscenes (which is a known thing for emulating this game, even playing it via the disc on PS3), and one random freeze during a battle.

However, I've just started disc 3, and I've been having issues with areas seemingly not loading in, just giving me a perpetual black screen. Around the start of the disc, you go into an area with a waterfall, with an area at the back with some stairs. After going down these stairs and trying to go either left or right, the glitch occurs, the screen goes black but audio continues. The game will also freeze if I encounter a random battle in this area, again with the audio still going.

I tried loading my memcard save in ePSXe, and managed to get past these areas just fine. I made a save in the area that would just keep giving me a black screen, loaded this save in FPse, and all seemed fine, until I left the area again and went back down into it, and I got a black screen again.

Not sure what's causing these issues, I've tried fiddling about with the settings to no avail. Don't think it's any issue with the ROM itself because I'm not getting these issues with ePSXe, though I'd rather not play it on there as I get graphical issues during battles on that emulator.

Any suggestions?

Edit: I think I've fixed this by enabling "dynamic interpreter" in the system settings. I'm no longer getting black screens going between areas, though I haven't played it extensively yet so not 100% sure there's no more issues. I checked back on disc 1 and 2, and dynamic interpreter wasn't enabled for them either, so I have no idea why they worked fine without it and this disc doesn't.

Seems I'm having issues with the settings in general in FPse, the general/default config doesn't seem to apply to games, I have to set them manually for each game, and a lot of system settings simply won't save either (thankfully dynamic interpreter does). I have "boost mode" active for one game for whatever reason, but no amount of me disabling it and quitting out of the game makes it save that setting, it's always enabled again what I start it up again. Don't remember this being an issue before, not sure if the latest update back in December messed with this or not. I haven't been using FPse a lot since then, so I haven't really noticed previously.

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Re: Koudelka disc 3 black screen issues

Postby schtruck » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:30 pm

that s interresting, i need too investigate this issue, and find if it's savestate or cpu emulation

can you please share everything you have to let me reproduce quickly this bug and see what i can do on it

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Re: Koudelka disc 3 black screen issues

Postby mercilesswaffle » Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:34 pm

Unfortunately I don't have a save file from around when the glitch was first occurring any more, as I've progressed past that point now. I haven't really been using save states much, and have only loaded save states twice when battles have glitched on me.

I still have two save files on a memory card from disc 3, which I've attached to this post, though they're past the point where I was initially experiencing the bug. Hopefully those help. If you need anything else, let me know. I'm just using the default settings for the game except I have dynamic interpreter enabled, as it's what fixed the glitch for me.

Edit: Also, just to report on other issues in the game, a lot of the time during the FMV cutscenes, the audio seemed to lag behind, causing some very poor lip sync. This mostly seemed to happen during longer cutscenes. There's also the aforementioned issue of audio briefly cutting out during the non-FMV cutscenes, but this also occurs on official hardware (PS3) with the original discs. Also the credits at the end kinda glitched, as the text would become garbled repeatedly once it reached the top of the screen.

Other than that, the weird issues with disc 3, and two soft freezes during battle (animation and music still carried on, but nothing progressed) which I'm unsure if was due to the emulation or not, I didn't have any issues.
Card 1.zip
Koudelka Memecard
(4.03 KiB) Downloaded 1236 times

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