FPSE crashing with Android 2.3.5 - workaround

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FPSE crashing with Android 2.3.5 - workaround

Postby bluezeak » Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:43 pm

I want to share something dust and jam mentioned in the ff7 thread.

Dust and Jam wrote:I may be a techno-idiot but when I first downloaded fpse I was having real trouble getting FF7 to run.

I’m using a HTC Wildfire S with Android 2.3.5. I found that the game would load, the intro sequence would play, the game looked fine when running around midgar and didn’t even slow down during battles. It was all amazing.

Unfortunately, it would crash at random, and I could not even make it to the first save point without it crashing for no reason.

Luckily for me I was shown a way to solve this, and I’m posting here for any other techno-idiots who are having the same problem.

All you have to do is leave the fpse emulator and go into phone settings. From there go to ‘Power’, and at the bottom there is an option call ‘Fast Boot’ with the following warning – ‘Turn off to use some Market apps’.

Since turning this option off fpse and FF7 have been working almost perfectly. It has crashed one or two times since then but by saving regularly this isn’t too much of a problem.

I hope this advice helps someone, and if anyone has any advice to stop it crashing completely, that would be fantastic!

Awesome app, thanks very much to the programmers!!!
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