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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby rufio » Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:40 am

dabomb224 wrote:Hi all. So I've recently made the purchase and I'm loving the speed so far. I'm having a few issues though, similar to the ones experienced by others.

1) I'm having serious issues with terrible sound and music reproduction in Final Fantasy 7. This affects both FMV sounds and in-game sounds. Music notes are chopped off and in-game sounds are terribly emulated.

My phone is a rooted Droid X running Liberty 1.5. Speed of gameplay does not seem to be related to the slow or inaccurate sound reproduction, as the game will continue to run at a very fast speed while the sound chops and lags. Please understand that I am very happy with the product thus far, but since these sound troubles were shrugged off in previous posts, I want to make sure that they don't go unaddressed.

For reference, I am running a .bin/.cue version of the game. I tried the fix posted earlier, by setting Frameskip to 40 FPS and turning on SPU Sync. This made no difference at all.

EDIT: I just tested the ROMs out with PSX4Droid. The sound reproduction is near perfect with the same ROMs (despite PSX4Droid running them at its usual snail's pace). So now I know that the ROMs aren't the problem.

Very interested by your post dabomb.

1. I'm having the exact same issue. It's like, you know how the music should sounds, but parts of it aren't played right? Like certain notes/octives aren't hit in the music? So it seems choppy hollow.

2. My phone isn't rooted and I'm having those issues. Phrozen's phone is rooted and he's not having those issues. Your phone is rooted and you're having those issues. We were surmising earlier that the sound may be related to the fact that his phone was rooted with Liberty and that helped improve performance. Are your game/bios files on your SD card or on your phone memory?

3. Changing the frameskip to 40 and turning on SPUSync had the same results for me as well.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby LouCipher » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:54 am

HDM wrote:Three varieties skin v1

http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3258 ... hot35v.png



you can try the overlays in 8bit, could mean less impact on performance, try it has nothing to lose.

a greeting

What bit depth are they in now? Seems 8 bit would be more than sufficient. I'd be fine with monochrome, myself. After all, I want the games to look good, don't care so much about the pad.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby D69K » Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:18 am

i900frenchaddict wrote:If Schtruck can implement sounds as MP3, using pocketIso to compress the iso and the sounds, like it is for FpseCE oon WinMo, there won't be sound problems anymore.... wait and see!

yes that would solve almost all the problems and give a good boost :)
but as Schtruck said it can't be done on android version due to limited support for this from android :(

idk maybe i understood him wrong (hopefully)
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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby kokotas » Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:07 am

Just tried the latest version. My problem with multitouch still exists. Weird tough, why up+x and down+x works flawlessly, while left+x and right+x almost never work? The same goes for square... left+square and right+square always work but up+square and down+square almost never does. It must have something to do with the axis getting mixed up. Or is it due to the hd2's terrible dualtouch?
Schtruck, i would appreciate your input on this. Since you have and hd2 as well, have you been able to reproduce this? Thanks.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby Exclaymation » Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:32 am

Hey, for some reason, Fpse stopped loading my save files. I was playing earlier on today and it worked fine, but when I went back to play it later, it wouldn't load the save files (from the fpse load function). I had two different save files and none of them were loading. Every time I clicked on one, it just closed the app. Anyone went through this?

Also, while trying to fix it, I accidentally changed the path of my save files. Does anyone knows where the default save path is? My phone is rooted so I can access any directory. Once I find the save files, I will try to wipe the data of the app and see if it works again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby DrownedOne » Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:55 am

Ok, I'm having some big issues now. I cleared the data for fpse to try something and when I tried to load up it keeps crashing. After it tells me to select the bios, I select it and then it crashes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the same problem occurs. Any solutions?
Last edited by DrownedOne on Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby schtruck » Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:16 am

there is a issue, the main config file get suddenly corrupted, i still haven't fixed that, that's why it's important to change MCD and Savestate path, when such problem arrives, just clear data from FPse application.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby ms_green » Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:52 am

One thing that I don't like so much about fpse is that it takes away lots of internal memory. Is there a way to make it store the data on SD card?
Unfortunately most Android phones don't have a lot of internal memory...

Anyway, this emulator made me really happy :)

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby schtruck » Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:25 am

i have perhaps an answer to somes users who have Crash when starting FPse....

i'm curently changing somes stuff, then will propose a fix.

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Re: Fpse for Android Discussion/Feedback

Postby Vanlen » Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:50 am

DrownedOne wrote:Ok, I having some big issues now. I cleared the data for fpse to try something and when I tried to load up it keeps crashing. After it tells me to select the bios, I select it and then it crashes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the same problem occurs. Any solutions?

I have the same problem, I hope schtruck to find the way for stopping the app to crashed :)

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